Stylish wood-finish for your Mac keyboards

We all love the stylish aluminium finish on our Mac keyboards.
But if you feel like something a little different, try out Lazerwood Keys from Lazerwood Industries.

These are just as stylish as the original keys, but with a gorgeous wood-finish.

Whether you use a wireless, extended or simply your MacBook Pro keyboard, there is the perfect wood-finish for you.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of the device, the Mac Book Airs cannot use these awesome keyboard finishes.

The keyboard comes in a set of all the keys as per your language chosen, and uses a small adhesive strip to connect to the original key.

If you decide to try this out, bear in mind that the website rates the installation as “advanced”. This kind of makes me worry, but maybe they are being over protective?

The site also mentions that “if you are careful”, removal is possible. I am not too sure how to process that.

And one more thing, you will lose the back-lit key feature of your keys, of course.

The keys come in 2 major flavours, Cherry and Walnut, and they both look gorgeous..

Each set is rated at $40 (R360), with exception to the Extended keyboard at $45 (R400). 
Delivery to your door? Naturally! It will set you back a major, wait for it, R54.

This could be the perfect gift that hardcore Apple fanatic in your life that you always struggle finding the perfect gift for. No?

If you do, Enjoy!

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